Cosmetic Dentistry can transform your smile into a thing of beauty. A bright, new confident smile can be one of your best assets. At TLC Dental Center we offer a wide range of affordable dental makeover options and want to work with you to create the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. If you’re unhappy with your missing, damaged, stained or broken teeth, we have lots of experience with affordable, high-quality Lumineers™-like materials for veneers, tooth-colored composite fillings, natural-looking porcelain dental crowns and bridges, tooth whitening and tooth bonding.

Many of our Cherry Hill cosmetic dentistry patients are pleased to learn that the care they deserve may not be as expensive or time-consuming as they imagined. We’re happy to schedule appointments at a time that’s convenient for you and we have a range of affordable payment options available to fit your budget.

Why wait another moment? It’s time to invest in the gorgeous, healthy smile of your dreams. Call us at (888) 815-1094 now or complete our simple online form to schedule a consultation with cosmetic dentist Dr. Julie Kardon.



Veneers: A quick fix for a problem tooth

Change the look of a few teeth with Dr. Kardon’s cosmetic dentistry solution: porcelain dental veneers! These thin shells of porcelain are a fast way to dramatically change the shape, length, and color of a tooth in as little as two visits! Veneers are comfortable and natural-looking, too!

Dental implants make a dramatic difference.

Dental implants are permanently anchored into the jaw. If you have healthy gum tissue and strong jawbone ridges, you should contact TLC Dental Center to see if you could be candidate for this life-changing technology. Dental implants look, act, and feel like your natural teeth and can restore your mouth to its original health and beauty.

Porcelain Crowns: Go to the Bright Side

Crowns are often used by Dr. Kardon to repair cracked, worn, or damaged teeth. Sometimes called a “cap,” in the past dark metal crowns were used, which interfere with the natural beauty of your mouth. Now you can choose bright white porcelain crowns, which reflect light and give your mouth a naturally healthy glow.

Dental bonding can shape your new smile.

Dental bonding is a process similar to sculpting. Dr. Kardon uses a special material that mimics the look and feel of natural teeth to repair damaged, discolored, or otherwise flawed teeth. This process is quick, affordable, and painless.

Tooth-colored fillings: Forget the “metal mouth” look

It’s unpleasant to smile and flash a series of ugly old metal fillings. Dr. Kardon’s tooth-colored cosmetic dentistry restorations can help you achieve a beautiful, youthful smile that looks completely natural. Not only will you look beautiful, but your tooth-colored composite fillings are less likely to show wear or cause teeth to erode.

Teeth Whitening: Want dazzling white teeth? It’s easy and affordable!

Can you really get rid of the stains and discoloration that are aging your teeth? With the help of Dr. Kardon and the highly trained staff at TLC Dental Center you can! And best of all, the whitening process can be completed in just a few visits, revealing a brilliant new smile in virtually no time.